Price history for the last days.

Current Value: 9,453 Current Average: 1,182
Current Index: 70.27 7-day Index: 67.94

 ItemGE ValueIndex?
Adamantite Ore Adamantite Ore 1,804 (+43) 111.39
Copper Ore Copper Ore 893 (-11) 2008.89
Gold Ore Gold Ore 991 (+41) 383.06
Iron Ore Iron Ore 869 (-11) 293.33
Mithril Ore Mithril Ore 843 (+0) 243.64
Runite Ore Runite Ore 2,936 (-14) 27.45
Silver Ore Silver Ore 724 (+0) 455.35
Tin Ore Tin Ore 441 (+0) 1575

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